Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week 3: Communication, Listener Anxiety & Nonverbal Skills

This weeks topics have got me thinking a lot about how communication affects our relationships with the people around us. These relationships might be personal, work related, or superficial such as the "relationship" you have with the people that work at the stores you shop at, the restaurants you eat at, or the gym you work out at. The communication style you use with each of these people will determine the type of relationship you have with them.

I found a chart on that details four different kinds of communication styles: expressor, driver, relater, and analytical. This chart breaks the four different types down in to sections; how to recognize, tends to ask, what they dislike, reacts to pressure and tension by, best way to deal with, likes to be measured by, must be allowed to, will improve with, like to save, and for best results. I decided to look through the chart and pick the style that I think I most associate with.

I find that I relate most closely to "driver" type of communication when basically means that I'm decisive and have strong viewpoints, I dislike others trying to make my decisions for me, I try to take control if things becomes out of control or unbalanced, I'm efficient and like to manage my time effectively and I need freedom to do things my own way. I like to think I am able to make compromises but know that I like things to be a certain way a lot of the time.

My husband's communication style tends to be more "relater" which means he likes to be helpful, dislikes rejection or being treated impersonally, becomes silent or withdraws when there is pressure, is supportive, cherished friendships, is relaxed,  and needs goals and specific directions to accomplish tasks.

These two communication styles are quite different so putting these two people together may cause some conflict. I have been with my husband for five years so we have dealt with our differences in communication and still do.

Since one of the focuses of this weeks lesson was communication, I started to think about how we can all effectively communicate with each other if we all have our own styles. I have found that compromise can go a long way but gaining an understanding of the various styles will help even more. Learning about the different styles will provide insight on how to communicate with each type of person which should generally make working with them a lot easier and more productive. I have decided that instead of trying to change the people with different communication styles than mine, I will try to understand them more so I can work more easily with them.

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